Sunday, 30 December 2012

Aborted. Assaulted. Raped- Is this what is left for women?

It was centuries ago that goddess Sita had to undergo an agnipariksha to prove herself; to prove her purity.
Centuries later, we say the situation has changed. Women emancipation has taken a giant leap, and is hailed in the name of few women like Indriya Nooyi, Sonia Gandhi, Chanda Kochar etc. The optimistic government says it has reserved 33% of seats in all legislative institutes for women. 

While all this is used to paint a rosy picture of women development, the reality is altogether different. 
India is the perfect example where technology has proven to be a bane. Though pre-natal sex determination of a foetus is illegal, the practise is so rampant that even when India’s shining story is being appreciated at global platforms, the sex ratio is stuck at a shameful 953 girls per 1000 boys.  And if it’s a girl, then she is killed even before she can open her eyes to this ruthless world. But even if she survives, it seems that the entire society is set to take revenge for being a girl. 

Even after 65 years of independence, a woman who gets raped at night is said to have invited it to herself. Her mistake? Why was she out at night in the first place?  And if my mistake that poor soul had just come out of a night club or god forbid was dressed in what our society thinks is “provocative” or “unacceptable” then our entire male dominated society puffs up its chest and proclaims that the men who did it are innocent.
Our society, unfortunately, even has a rule book by which women should live, what careers they should take up, how they should behave, where they shouldn’t or should go, who they should befriend. And as if that wasn’t enough, even what they should wear. 

My question: even if a girl walks by herself naked at night, does it justify if she is raped? Can anything justify the lecherous looks we get even when we walk down the streets fully clothed? What gives men the right to inflict such behaviour on women?

And why do we even need reservation? Isn’t reservation done for minority communities which are socially or economically backward, and require an extra helping hand to be at the same start line as general? Is that why women need reservation? Are women socially backward? Or do we need that extra push?

Such questions have no easy answers. Legislations might help, but are they being enforced?

The police swear by that they are going to serve the public and protect them . Where does all this go when a woman comes to complain about domestic violence and is sent back, citing it as a domestic affair? Then why do we hear of instances where the protectors become predators?

We were not safe then , we are not safe now. Only the faces have changed. The voices remain the same, and sadly even the plight remains same.

The nation is mourning over the loss of the brave girl who was a victim of the Delhi Gangrape. All over the country, peaceful protest marches are being organized, but what will happen after a few weeks when life returns to normal?
After this incident, you are lucky if you are just raped and not subjected to physical violations.
I feel lucky that I've been spared till now, but what if my luck runs out one day?

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